
The Asheville Practical Shooting Association (APSA) was formed in the mid 1970’s as Asheville Practical Pistol League, during the time when Practical Shooting was still in it’s early stages. In 1991, APSA became an official 501-3c Non-Profit entity. APSA was the first club in North Carolina to become a USPSA affiliated club.

Over the years, we have seen many changes and have moved our shooting location a number of times, from shooting in a cow pasture in Burnsville, NC to a more refined range in Lake Lure, then back to Burnsville but at a new home at Big Ivy Guns.

To learn more about Practical Shooting’s history and current status and information, click here.

Current Officers

Election of officers is held on a yearly basis. Our last election was held in January 2023 where all members present were allowed to vote.

President – Chris Britt
Vice President – Steve Schoenberger
Treasurer – Mike Privette
Secretary – David Hartley
Chief Range Officer – Phil Flack

Our Outdoor Range

Triggers, Traps & Trout (triggers-traps-trout.com) – is located in Burnsville, NC. Triggers, Traps & Trout offers a variety of outdoor shooting sports and activities and APSA has been running monthly outdoor matches for years.

Click here for directions to the range.


Our Practical Shooting Matches 

APSA Monthly Matches are every second Saturday of the month, all year long. We recommend that you call one of our contacts before you come to make sure we will be shooting that day. Please arrive at 9:00 am for registration and a shooter’s meeting beginning promptly at 10am. Visitors welcome! Visit “Let’s Shoot” for more APSA sponsored shooting opportunities, including 3-Gun, Funshoots & W.A.Y.S. Women Arm Yourselves Safely – a class for ladies who wish to learn beginning handgun & shooting skills.

APSA Contacts